Gran Foro de la Biodiversidad

September 19, 2016
Prof. Farrell at Gran Foro de la Biodiversidad
Prof. Farrell presenting at Gran Foro de la Biodiversidad, image from Colciencias of Colombia

On Wed., Sept. 14, Prof. Farrell gave the inaugural presentation at the Gran Foro de la Biodiversidad, in Bogotá, Colombia. 

"Gran Foro de la Biodiversidad is a Colombian initiative that aims to create a space for national and international conferences, with the purpose of discussing the importance of preserving biodiversity around us. In addition, it aims to show how, through science research, one can find alternative options to gain value from biodiversity in a sustainable manner." (description from DRCLAS

The event also featured presentations from diverse group, ranging from Juan Manuel Santos, Presidente de la República de Colombia, to Monique Simmonds, Deputy Director of Science, Royal Botanic Gardens KEW, to Brigitte Baptiste,
Directora General en Instituto Humboldt de Biodiversidad Colombia.

El Spectador has an feature article detailing the event, with reactions from Prof. Farrell (please note, the article is in Spanish).