A test of the sympatric host race formation hypothesis in Neodiprion (Hymenoptera: Diprionidae)


Linnen CR, Farrell BD. A test of the sympatric host race formation hypothesis in Neodiprion (Hymenoptera: Diprionidae). Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. 2010;277 (1697) :3131-3138.

Date Published:

Oct 22


Theory suggests that sympatric speciation is possible; however, its prevalence in nature remains unknown. Because Neodiprion sawflies are host specialists and mate on their hosts, sympatric speciation via host shifts may be common in this genus. Here, we test this hypothesis using near-complete taxonomic sampling of a species group, comprehensive geographical and ecological data, and multiple comparative methods. Host-use data suggest that host shifts contributed to the evolution of reproductive isolation in Neodiprion and previous work has shown that gene flow accompanied divergence. However, geographical data provide surprisingly little support for the hypothesis that host shifts occurred in sympatry. While these data do not rule out sympatric host race formation in Neodiprion, they suggest that this speciation mode is uncommon in the genus and possibly in nature.

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Last updated on 03/06/2018